IMPORTANT - please refer to photo requirements below BEFORE sending your application
The Ideal Pinto has a 50/50% distribution of coat colour and white markings, however acceptable patterns range from the predominantly white to the predominantly dark horse.
Pinto’s must have noticeable markings on the body, not including the face forward from a line from behind the ear to the corner of the mouth, jawbone markings may be taken into account when assessing the applicant in the case of minimal body markings. Socks or stockings from the level of the elbow and stifle down, without the presence of white on the body will not be considered. White markings from the the centre of the of the knee or centre of the hock upwards will be considered provided that they extend past the level of the elbow or stifle, if sufficient white extending upwards towards the spine meets the minimum white requirement the horse shall be considered without needing any further white on the body. If the white running up the leg is minimal it shall be included for assessment with the other body markings. Belly splashes: White under belly which extends into view will be accepted if the white meets minimum size requirements or a lesser amount shall be included for assessment with other visible markings. In the case of a horse or pony presenting with a belly splash only, with no other visible white on the body a registration may be approved provided that the belly splash exhibits sufficient white as determined at a society meeting and at the discretion of the Society.
The less of the two colours should meet the minimum requirements, only colour visible from
an eye height of 5 ft (1.5 m) at a distance of 10 ft (3 m ) will be considered.
1. Half an A4 size page of white must be visible for ponies not exceeding 12hh.
2. ¾ of an A4 size page of white must be visible for ponies over 12hh and not exceeding 14hh.
3. A full A4 size page of white must be visible for horses over 14hh.
A maximum of three colored areas are to be considered in assessing the minimum colour requirements which may be the three largest present.
No discrimination will be made against the colour of the eyes.
Light or dark skin will only be taken into account in the case of a Grey Pinto whose markings
have faded out.
In borderline cases where colour requirement is questionable the presence of 2 or more
Pinto characteristics shall determine eligibility.
A Pinto may be white and any other colour ie: Bay, Black, Chestnut, Grey, Brown, Palomino, Buckskin etc.
Please print out and fill in registration applications in full, providing as much information as you can.
Provide copies of parentage (registration certificates from relevant breed societies for Sire & Dam if available)
If parentage is unknown leave these areas blank, the Registrar will mark these areas appropriately on the registration certificate. Photos must accompany registration application – IPHS accepts photo’s on photo quality paper or emailed images. Please make sure photos of each applicant are all marked clearly.
These are the 4 conformation photos required:
Photo One – Must be of the right side of the animal, the complete animal must be visible.
Photo Two – Must be of the left side of the animal, the complete animal must be visible.
Photo Three – Must be taken directly in front of the animal and must include the complete animal from ears to toes. Whole of hoofs must be visible.
Photo Four – Must be taken directly from the rear of the animal and must the complete animal from rump to heels. Whole of legs down to and including the hoofs must be visible.
Photo’s must have all parts of the horse clearly visible, heads in buckets, ears and feet missing etc are unacceptable....eg:
Please stand your horse up nicely, side shots of horses running are not acceptable for your conformation photos.You may need to get someone to help hold your horse, or take the photos for you – we prefer not to accept pictures taken while your horse is tied up.
Please take your photos with a nice clear back ground free of old sheds, horse floats, assorted farm equipment etc as this will detract from the photo of your horse, aim for the best possible photos you can send - these photos will be used for your registration certificate and may be declined if of poor quality.
Please make sure the handler is not visible in photos, this includes arms, hands near the horses face
Please present your horse in a clean tidy manner, washed with mane and tail tidy, hooves clean, face and legs without excess hair (permissible with specific breed requirement but pinto must be clean and all parts of body clearly visible)
The 4 photos you are required to submit as above are your 4 conformation photos which are required for registration approval purposes.
We also invite you to supply 2 additional photos if you wish for inclusion on your registration certificate.
Subject to suitability they will be placed on the certificate in lieu of the standard side photos.
They can include photos taken with a ribbon, sash etc, movement photos or similar.... we will still need a photo of each side of your horse, however we can't accept photos of ridden horses, in harness or where the horse is not still clearly visible
Some examples of acceptable side photos for the registration certificate:
IMPORTANT - If sending photos via email: photos must be supplied in JPEG format
If sending photos via post: photos must be on photo quality paper, printouts on A4 computer paper will not be accepted